Hi everyone.. hope your all staying warm.. Ive been so cold all day today. Think I need me long
jon's on..Well this is kind of a late post for me today.. had another really busy one...I did get this card done for A S
poon full of sugar. (HEARTS). I used another Mo's image, Yes I know I'm hooked, But ya got to
love'em.. They are just so cute.. I have colored with
prisma pencils, added some rhinestones, punched hearts and ribbon..

Here is an award that I received the other day from
Jessica. Thank you so much. It really humbles me, that you thought of me.. I would like to pass this on to all of my followers.. I so appreciate all of your comments and visits..Please take this award and pass it on..

Oh and by the way Landon and his team won their game yesterday 12 to 8.. This is the first he has ever played basketball and I must say he is a natural at it.. being 5ft. 11in. now helps, he towers over all the other kids..
Well thank you all again for taking the time to stop by..Hope you have a good night..
Hugs, Linda